AWAB Produced
Trans Webinar Episode 3: Supporting Trans & Non-Binary Youth Webinar
Special guest facilitator Hannah Edwards (she/her) will provide helpful information about what care looks like for trans and non-binary youth, what resources are out there to support your trans youth, and, in general, how to be an ally to trans and non-binary youth in...
What Is AWAB? Brochure
This brochure is for a general introduction to the work and ministry of AWAB, and how people can get involved. Great for introducing outside individuals to why your church is a member of such an association. If you'd like to receive a set of this brochure...
“What Is AWAB?” Bulletin Insert
This Bulletin Insert is a general introduction to AWAB, in order to introduce your members to reasons that your church is a member of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists. Two versions are available. The print version is one that is further away from...
Trans Webinar Series Episode 2:What Is Gender-Affirming Care?
“Gender-Affirming Care” is a phrase that’s been demonized in recent times, warped in a systematic way to trigger an image not of someone being affirmed for who they are, but rather an image of a five-year-old who is being forced against their will to physically change...
AWAB Logos
These logos can be used on your church website, printed materials, or any other items that you produce. If you have questions about using AWAB's logos or for brand style guidelines, please contact Communications Coordinator Kurt Kaufman at
Queer & Christian Brochure
This brochure is a entry-level material for any of those with questions about being Christian and Queer. This brochure is available physically to AWAB members for free! If you would like to request professionally printed versions of this brochure for your congregation...
Video: A Statement of Solidarity for our Transgender and Non-Binary Kindred
We've created a video of our previously shared Statement of Solidarity for our Transgender and Nonbinary Kindred. Please feel free to share this on social media, with friends, or in your churches. If you need help with this video or would like a copy of the original...
Trans Webinar Series Episode 1: Welcoming The Transgender Community
We are all made in the image of God. What that means is that in every person we meet, we learn how different love can look, from person to person and situation to situation. From every human being, we learn something different about what is sacred and what is holy....