Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists
since 1993
Welcoming & Affirming All People
As the only organization solely devoted to building the Welcoming and Affirming movement within the Baptist traditions, AWAB has a unique call to be The National Voice for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Allied Baptists in the US.
Since 1993 AWAB has been supporting churches in being and becoming Welcoming and Affirming of all people regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. We work as individuals, congregations, regional groupings and as a national body to advance the Radical Welcome and Love of God in Jesus Christ through being the Ministry of Reconciliation and building up the Beloved Community where all will be one.

You can help someone come home to love and acceptance today.
Become a member of the Rainbow Circle to sustain compassion in our faith communities.
Recent News
The Table Seeks Co Lead Pastor
From The Table's Job Listing: Co-Lead Pastor About The Table MPLS The Table is a non-denominational, independent, Christ-centered church located in Minneapolis, MN, the center of a thriving and diverse metropolitan area. Our community is justice driven and fully...
AWAB Launches Advent Directory
Now more than ever, LGBTQ worshippers are looking for a place of welcome and acceptance. As the Advent season is upon us, we want to help you find houses of worship that will accept you and your loved ones fully this holiday season. Check out our new Advent Directory...
A sermon on Baptist freedoms – “Standing: in the gap, on justice”
Based on Numbers 27:1-11, preached by Pastor Ari Grubner of AWAB Member, Grant Park Church, Portland, OR Today, I want to share with you one of my favorite stories in the entire Bible. Like a good TV show, I think this story has a slow burn to it that captures my...
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