Finding A Home Among Baptists: The Fifty-Year History of Welcoming and Affirming Ministry In Baptist Life
by C. Delane Tew

Help us raise the final costs to bring this important book to press.
“For 50 years, through American Baptists Concerned and the Association of Welcoming and affirming Baptists, committed folk have worked for the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ people in our congregations and denominations. While some of us intimately involved in this work are still around to tell the tales, historian Delane Tew has undertaken the important task of researching and recording the story for posterity. This is a project well worthy of our support and I am grateful to AWAB and Delane for making it happen.”
Funding & Timeline
We plan to use the funds from this campaign to print as many copies of the book in our initial print run as we can. With the global supply chain challenges, timelines and costs in publishing have gone up significantly, so it’s much better to do a higher first print run if possible. All of the funds for this goal are for hard publishing costs.
We plan to send the book to the press by late spring. We aim to deliver it to the supporters before the end of summer. We will keep you updated on our progress.