Ministry Opportunities

We want to help you find an opportunity that is welcoming and affirming of your ministry.

Being a ministry professional can be difficult in today’s world, and it can be difficult to find a place to perform your ministry that you know will be welcoming and affirming of you for who you are.

We hope that the list of opportunities below can provide you with a sense of hope that there are places out there in which you can perform your ministry as you are – not only that, but they are open and waiting for someone like you to apply.

If you are a ministry looking to add your opportunities, email our Communications Coordinator, James , at 

Ministry Opportunities

The Table Seeks Co Lead Pastor

From The Table's Job Listing: Co-Lead Pastor  About The Table MPLS  The Table is a non-denominational, independent, Christ-centered church located in Minneapolis, MN, the center of a thriving and diverse metropolitan area. Our community is justice driven and fully...