On Wednesday evening, January 27, 2021, The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists hosted a worship service via Zoom in commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of the disfellowshipping of five faithful American Baptist congregations by their regions for their membership in AWAB. The above is a recording of that service.
The service of song, prayer and testimony lifts up the pain of these actions, their ongoing significance and the hope their memory calls forth.
Blessings to all, may God continue to help us become the beloved community which God’s Spirit offers to all.
Although I’m still struggling with Zoom, I managed to hear most of it and found it very moving. Especially Rick’s words. Made me remember the meeting of the Rochester/Genesee Region at which the Granville church told its story and the ABCR/GR voted to admit it to membership. Much of the credit for that goes to Ken Dodgson who was the Moderator of the Region and his thorough and thoughtful preparation.
I am an AA Clergyperson