The Lake Shore Baptist Church in Waco, Texas is seeking its next Minister to Youth! A job description is below. To apply, please submit this applicant information sheet along with your letter of interest and resume in the same email to

Principal Function: 

To minister to the youth of Lake Shore Baptist Church in ways that encourages their development into spiritually healthy adolescents. To act as a resource for parents and families, keeping in mind that the home should be the primary place for faith formation. To create a space for the youth that is safe, in which individuals can explore the biblical narrative and how it can inform their own faith stories. 

In order to minister holistically to the youth, the Minister to Youth will do the following: 
• Engage in practices meant to maintain a healthy life of Christian faith (prayer, fasting, Sabbath, self care, and spiritual formation. 
• Equip family members as primary faith formers 
• Foster an environment that incorporates the youth into the greater life of the church 
• Pursue continuing education in areas relevant to the work of this position 
• Effectively teach the biblical narrative 
• Ensure that the youth receive individual attention 
• Maintain weekly and annual rhythm of activities for youth spiritual formation. 

Position Responsibilities: 
1. Equip family members of youth a. Make resources available to parents and family members meant to encourage their role as primary instructors and examples in the child’s faith 

2. Congregation as a whole
a. Treat Lake Shore Baptist Church as one multigenerational community by communicating with staff about church-wide activities and encouraging youth involvement  
b. In the same way, communicate with the congregation about youth events and encourage adult involvement 
c. Provide opportunities for youth to participate in worship services 

3. Continuing Education
a. Maintain communication with other local ministries working with youth in order to foster a healthy perspective of the diverse practical ways of approaching youth ministry 
b. Attend conferences and lectures relevant to the vocation of Minister to Youth 
c. Continue to read books and articles about human growth and development with emphasis on adolescence and the newest developments in youth ministry. 

4. Effectively teach and minister to youth
a. Facilitate Sunday morning Bible study by selecting the curriculum and scheduling teachers 
b. Facilitate Sunday and Wednesday evening activities 
c. Create safe spaces for group discussion of the biblical narrative, explorations into Christian spirituality and sharing life together 
d. Maintain a pastoral presence in the life of each youth group member 
e. Equip adult volunteers for involvement in youth activities 
f. Plan trips and events away from the church building for the purposes of retreat and exposure to the diversity of Christian expression 
g. Plan activities and retreats with other local youth groups 

1. With church staff
a. Attend weekly staff meetings 
b. Assist in worship service planning as needed 
c. Work with staff to facilitate intergenerational activities and trips 

2. With congregation and parents
a. Provide information on ongoing activities, upcoming events and spiritual formation experiments in the weekly newsletter 
b. Provide and adhere to a budget for the youth ministry in cooperation with the finance committee 
c. Appoint and work closely with a parent support and education group 
d. Help parents and volunteers to aid in youth spiritual formation 

3. Maintain consistent scheduled on-site office hours, coordinated with the Senior Pastor, for a minimum of 5 hours per week. 

Special agreements about PTO: 

Eligible for Continuing Education 

PTO: Part time* 
Not all PTO hours can be taken on Sundays. In coordination with the Senior Pastor, a reasonable ratio of Sunday hours to regular week hours must be taken. 

Other Duties: 
In accordance with the team philosophy of Lake Shore Baptist Church, may routinely be required to carry out and assist with other tasks in addition to the duties listed above. 

Supervisory Responsibilities: 
Volunteers who assist in the Youth program 

This position description is not intended to be all inclusive. Lake Shore Baptist Church reserves the right to revise or change job duties as the need arises. This position description does not constitute a written or implied contract of employment.