Biblical & Theological Studies
A sermon on Baptist freedoms – “Standing: in the gap, on justice”
Based on Numbers 27:1-11, preached by Pastor Ari Grubner of AWAB Member, Grant Park Church, Portland, OR Today, I want to share with you one of my favorite stories in the entire Bible. Like a good TV show, I think this story has a slow burn to it that captures my...
Colors of Hope
Colors of Hope draws upon the iconic Pride flag and raises a call to embody our beliefs. Using Gilbert Baker's original flag and its eight colors and themes—sexuality, life, healing, sunlight, nature, art and magic, harmony and serenity, and spirit—readers are invited...
“Rock and a Hard Place”
Pastor Art Wright of Williamsburg Baptist Church in Williamsburg, Virginia, preaches on Exodus 14 and the connection between the decision of crossing the red sea and the transgender experience. CONTENT WARNING: This sermon discusses suicide, especially as it relates...
Jesus, the Bible, and Homosexuality: Explode the Myths, Heal the Church
In this revised and expanded best seller, evangelical theologian and former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Jack Rogers makes a biblical case for equal rights for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT). Throughout history, he...
Sex and the Single Savior
Probing into numerous questions about gender and sexuality, Dale Martin delves into the biblical texts anew and unearths surprising findings. Avoiding preconceptions about ancient sexuality, he explores the ethics of desire and marriage and pays careful attention to...
The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology
In this startling original work of historical detection, Mark D. Jordan explores the invention of Sodomy by medieval Christendom, examining its conceptual foundations in theology and gauging its impact on Christian sexual ethics both then and now. This book is for...
The Man Jesus Loved
Homosexuality has been at the forefront of debate in the church for the last quarter century, with biblical interpretation at its heart. In the Man Jesus Loved, Jennings proposes a gay affirmative reading of the Bible in the hope of respecting the integrity of these...
What the Bible Really Says about Homosexuality
Does God's word in the Bible really condemn homosexuality? Top scholars--like the late John Boswell of Yale, Daniel Boyarin of Berkeley, Bernadette Brooten of Brandeis, L.William Countryman of the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, Victor P. Furnish of...
Wrestling with God and Men: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition
Wrestling with God and Men is the product of Rabbi Steven Greenberg's ten-year struggle to reconcile his homosexuality with Orthodox Judaism. Employing traditional rabbinic resources, Greenberg presents readers with surprising biblical interpretations of the creation...
Take Back the Word: A Queer Reading of the Bible
Perhaps the most revolutionary contribution of Take Back the Word is its presentation of resistant practices of reading the Bible that challenge oppressive applications of Scripture to clobber queer folx. If lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, transgender,...
Dirt, Greed, and Sex: Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and Their Implications for Today
This new revised edition of the landmark 1988 text includes updated text and notes throughout, taking advantage of recent studies of sexual ethics and, where appropriate, criticizing them. A new chapter engages the presumed "ethic of creation" that has become a major...
Religion is a Queer Thing: A Guide to the Christian Faith for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered People
"I have a theory as to why the official bodies of the churches seem just to circle the issue of homosexuality endlessly, not getting anywhere. I believe that the debate is not really about homosexuality at all, it is about heterosexuality and how far heterosexuality...
Gay and Lesbian Theologies
'Here is a book that ...lays out a very useful theological position that can be extremely valuable for our debates over GLBT involvement in church life....Stuart insists ... we in the church who are so bitterly divided over sexuality issues are here invited to...
Homosexuality and Christian Community
Contributors to this volume, all members of the Princeton Theological Seminary faculty, address the various exegetical, interpretive, and practical issues pertaining to the issue of homosexuality in the church. These include the ordination of homosexuals and the...
Is The Homosexual My Neighbor?
A classic revolutionary work on the Christian and biblical case for the full acceptance of LGBTQ community into the church by two leading pioneers and scholars. This revised and expanded edition includes updated information on topics such as the AIDS crisis and...
Embodiment: An Approach to Sexuality and Christian Theology
Few would doubt that this is a time of transition in our understanding of human sexuality. The confusion about sexual morals and mores is the more obvious evidence of this. But there is something else. For too long the bulk of Christian reflection about sexuality has...
What God Has Joined Together: The Christian Case for Gay Marriage
Gay marriage has become the most important domestic social issue facing twenty-first-century Americans -- particularly Americans of faith. Most Christians are pro-marriage and hold traditional family values, but should they endorse extending marriage rights to gays...
Omnigender: A Trans-religious Approach
This book bridges traditional religious doctrine and secular postmodern theory regarding gender. Through an examination of the Hebrew and Christian scriptures and church history as well as the exploration of other religious traditions and cultures, Mollenkott honors...
God vs. Gay? The Religious Case for Equality
The myth that the Bible forbids homosexuality—the myth of “God versus Gay”—is behind some of the most divisive and painful conflicts of our day. In this provocative and game-changing book, scholar and activist Jay Michaelson shows that the Bible does not prohibit...
Taking a Chance on God: Liberating Theology for Gays, Lesbians, and their Lovers, Families, and Friends
The second book in John McNeill's pathbreaking trilogy for lesbian and gay Christians, Taking a Chance on God brings a gay perspective to fundamental Christian questions: How can we understand suffering and death? How can we overcome fear, anger, and guilt? What does...
The Church and the Homosexual
The first edition of Father John J. McNeill's now-classic The Church and the Homosexual, published in 1976, convincingly established that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. In the provocative new preface to this fourth edition, McNeill calls on the Vatical to...
Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians and Gays In Black Churches
The Black Church's teaching that homosexuality is immoral has created a crisis for lesbian and gay Christians in black churches. This book provides a historical overview and critical analysis of the black church and its current engagement with lesbian and gay...
Queering Christ: Beyond Jesus Acted Up
Queering is a method that I use theologically. As a verb, "to queer" means to spoil or interfere with. If the theological system is already spoiled, spoiling the spoiled system to make it more inclusive of folks disenfranchised from Christianity is a good. This book...
Jesus Acted Up: A Gay And Lesbian Manifesto
In this audacious work, a former Jesuit priest throws down the gauntlet, challenging organized religion to abandon its homophobia, closeted clerics to come out of the closet and gays and lesbians to leave their churches. Goss also lays the groundwork for a new...
The Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart
From Reverend Peter Gomes, a man whom Time magazine called one of the seven best preachers in America, here is a brilliant and inspiring look at the Bible today, and the ever-evolving role of the Good Book in American politics, culture, and in our own lives. With...
Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for Theological Reflection
Christian discourse on sexuality, spirituality, and ethics has continued to evolve since this book's first edition was published in 1994. This updated and expanded anthology featuring more than thirty contemporary essays includes more theologians and ethicists of...
A Lily Among The Thorns: Imagining A New Christian Sexuality
Author Miguel De La Torre, a well-respected ethicist and professor known for his innovative readings of Christian doctrine, rejects both the liberal and conservative prejudices about sex. He instead develops an ethic that is liberative yet grounded soundly in the...
The Bible, The Church, And Homosexuality
The Bible, the Church and Homosexuality is intended to reach those who believe that the issues in human sexuality involve a straight choice between faithfulness to Scripture or conforming to liberal conscience, and that Scripture must prevail even if their heart and...
Gay Theology Without Apology
Christian Scripture and tradition are not authorities from which I seek approval; rather, they are resources from which I seek guidance and learn lessons as well [as] institutions that I seek to interpret, shape, and change. I am not afraid to look for, face, and...
Radical Love: Introduction to Queer Theology
Radical love, I contend, is a love so extreme that it dissolves our existing boundaries, whether they are boundaries that separate us from other people, that separate us from preconceived notions of sexuality and gender identity, or that separate us from God. It is...
From Sin to Amazing Grace: Discovering The Queer Christ
I first learned that I was a sinner in junior high school. Struggling to understand my budding attraction to other boys, I turned to my local public library for help. Being a devout Roman Catholic, I found a reference book on Catholic doctrine, and I furtively turned...
The Queer God
There are those who go to gay bars and salsa clubs with rosaries in their pockets, and who make camp chapels of their living rooms. Others enter churches with love letters hidden in their bags, because their need for God and their need for love refuse to fit into...
God & Gays: Bridging The Gap
An intimate look into the struggle of reconciling sexuality and spirituality by getting into the head, heart and lives of the people who have found homosexuality and the Bible as their self-defining identity. The film wrestles with the issues of being Gay in a right...
For The Bible Tells Me So
For the Bible Tells Me So is a compassionate and insightful documentary about the contemporary face of an old conflict between Christian fundamentalists and gay and lesbian people. The film looks deep into the hearts of several families--a few of them quite...
Fish Out Of Water
What does the Bible really say about being gay? Inspired by the experience of coming out as a lesbian to her sorority sisters during her senior year at Vanderbilt, filmmaker Ky Dickens explores the Biblical passages used to condemn homosexuality in this informative...