First Baptist Church of Columbia, Missouri, is currently seeking its next Senior Pastor to partner in ministry with us. We seek God’s wisdom in this process, leaning into the language of our church covenant that our future Senior Pastor will join our ministry because we have responded to Christ’s call to follow him as disciples and because we find this calling too difficult and too important to fulfill alone.
First Baptist Church is a 200-year-old progressive community of faith dually aligned with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship and American Baptist Churches USA. We are located in the middle of downtown Columbia, a quintessential Midwest college town of around 130,000 people directly between St. Louis and Kansas City.
We invite those who feel they may be called to be our senior pastor to review our congregational profile and learn more about our church and the search process on our website: https://fbc-columbia.org/pastor-search/
If you have questions or feel called to share your application, please contact the committee at pastorsearch@fbc-columbia.org. The committee will accept applications until the search is complete. We anticipate beginning conversations with candidates mid-summer.