Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists

since 1993

Welcoming & Affirming All People

As the only organization solely devoted to building the Welcoming and Affirming movement within the Baptist traditions, AWAB has a unique call to be The National Voice for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Allied Baptists in the US.

Since 1993 AWAB has been supporting churches in being and becoming Welcoming and Affirming of all people regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation.  We work as individuals, congregations, regional groupings and as a national body to advance the Radical Welcome and Love of God in Jesus Christ through being the Ministry of Reconciliation and building up the Beloved Community where all will be one.

You can help someone come home to love and acceptance today.

Become a member of the Rainbow Circle to sustain compassion in our faith communities.

Recent News

AWAB Announces Lecture and Regional Gathering

AWAB Announces Lecture and Regional Gathering

Each year, the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists invites a respected religious scholar to lecture on subjects that align with and advance the association’s mission. AWAB is pleased to announce Rev. Dr. Brandon Crowley as its special guest lecturer this...

AWAB Launches Million Dollar “Here We Grow” Campaign

We have launched a new fundraising campaign with the goal of raising One Million Dollars to sustain AWAB's operation for generations to come. Our Executive Director, Brian Henderson, and Development Director, Natalie Aho, have released the following statement: Our...

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