Social Sciences & Theory
Identiversity provides reliable and trustworthy educational resources about the real people in all of our lives through fact-based learning about gender and sexual identity. Our focus is: real people, real identities, real learning. The identiversity digital learning...
Love The Sin: Sexual Regulation and the Limits of Religious Tolerance
Sex. Religion. There is no denying that these two subjects are among the most provocative in American public life. Even the constitutional principle of church-state separation seems to give way when it comes to sex: the Supreme Court draws on theology as readily as it...
Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians and Gays In Black Churches
The Black Church's teaching that homosexuality is immoral has created a crisis for lesbian and gay Christians in black churches. This book provides a historical overview and critical analysis of the black church and its current engagement with lesbian and gay...
Sexuality and the Sacred: Sources for Theological Reflection
Christian discourse on sexuality, spirituality, and ethics has continued to evolve since this book's first edition was published in 1994. This updated and expanded anthology featuring more than thirty contemporary essays includes more theologians and ethicists of...
Sexuality and the Black Church: A Womanist Perspective
This book tackles the "taboo" subject of sexuality that has long been avoided by the Black church and community. Douglas argues that this view of Black sexuality has interfered with constructive responses to the AIDS crisis and teenage pregnancies, fostered...
Queer Theory, Gender Theory: An Instant Primer
In this introduction to the work of postmodern sex and gender theorists, gender activist Riki Wilchins explains the key ideas that have shaped contemporary sex and gender studies. Using straightforward prose and concrete examples from LGBT politics - as well as her...
Overcoming Heterosexism and Homophobia: Strategies That Work
This text provides ideas and strategies for affirming diversity and overcoming heterosexism and homophobia in a wide variety of settings, such as education, politics, the media and the helping profession. Providing strategies for educators, counsellors, community...
The Social Construction of Sexuality
An affordable primer to sexuality written from a sociological perspective. In The Social Construction of Sexuality, Steven Seidman investigates the political and social consequences of privileging certain sexual practices and identities while stigmatizing others....
Sexuality: A Very Short Introduction
What shapes our sexuality? Is it a product of our genes, or of society, culture, and politics? How have concepts of sexuality and sexual norms changed over time? How have feminist theories, religion, and HIV/AIDS affected our attitudes to sex? Focusing on the social,...
Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working With Gender-Variant People And Their Families
This comprehensive book provides you with a clinical and theoretical overview of the issues facing transgendered/transsexual people and their families. Transgender Emergence: Therapeutic Guidelines for Working with Gender-Variant People and Their Families views...