Emerywood Baptist Church of High Point, NC, seeks a full-time senior pastor.
From the job description:
“Applicants should be a seminary graduate, preferably with at least 5 years of ministerial staff experience. We are a suburban, multigenerational, moderate progressive CBF-affiliated church with doors open to all people. We welcome a candidate with a rich personal theology, deep Biblical knowledge informed by modern scholarship, energizing preaching and challenging teaching. He or she will foster trust in the congregation, challenging us to lean into the vulnerability of living a life of faith, and supporting our mission efforts. Our congregation has voiced the need for spiritual formation and collaborative leadership, an opportunity for candidates with these strengths. We will nurture our new senior pastor’s ministry through prayer, friendship, and financial support.
Send resume and cover letter to emerywoodbaptistpastorsearch@gmail.com.
More info at https://emerywoodbaptistchurch.com/pastor-search/