Find a Church / Ministry

We want to help you Find an AWAB church that will be Welcoming and Affirming for you and your family.
We know that “church” is about community and that there are as many kinds and styles of community as there are people. Ok, that’s a bit of an over statement, but you get the idea. Search through our member congregations to get a flavor of the communities we are. If you don’t find something there, search through the communities in one of our other resource lists because we are pretty sure you can find what you need there.
However, if you live in one of those places where there is still no Welcoming and Affirming community please let us know and we will make sure we get your location on a list of places for future church planting work.
How does a church become a member of AWAB?
Any Baptist community is eligible to apply for membership provided they are committed to demonstrating their position as inclusive to the LGBTQ+ community which includes: welcoming and affirming LGBTQ+ individuals in their congregational materials, performing marriages among members of the LGBTQ+ community, and having employment practices that do not discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.
Member churches have submitted an application that follows guidelines established by AWAB. Completed applications are submitted to the Board of Directors for a vote at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.