The Lake Shore Baptist Church in Waco, Texas is seeking its next Minister to Children! A job description is below. To apply, please submit this applicant information sheet along with your letter of interest and resume in the same email to
The Minister to Children will lead Lake Shore Baptist Church children (infants to 6th graders) in a comprehensive program of Christian education and will serve as a resource to parents and teachers in the following ways.
1. By developing and/or coordinating all religious education programs for children;
2. By assuming primary responsibility for pastoral care for children;
3. By keeping parents, children, and the church body informed about children’s activities;
4. By participating as necessary with the pastoral staff in worship planning.
Position Responsibilities:
• Establish objectives for the children’s education program; work with the Children’s Education Committee in planning programs which meet the needs of children and their parents.
• Coordinate, prepare and deliver children’s sermons in worship.
• Develop and lead throughout the year the children’s ministry, including Sunday School, Wednesday evening, mission activities, camps (grades 3 – 6), retreats and worship experiences.
• Provide leadership and organize and maintain resources, curriculum, and training materials for children’s Sunday School teachers, sponsors, and other lay leaders.
• Encourage the healthy development of children spiritually, emotionally intellectually, physically and socially.
• Inform children, parents, and church members about children’s activities through newsletters, bulletin boards, the church web site, and other announcements.
• Provide pastoral care and support to children and their parents.
• Work with parents as needed to support their parenting roles.
• Working with other church staff and committees, maintain an environment that is safe and secure for our children and their families.
• Attend weekly staff meetings (share in worship planning and leadership as necessary)
• Maintain consistent scheduled on-site office hours, coordinated with the Senior Pastor, for a minimum of 5 hours per week.
• Coordinate facility usage with Children’s Center.
• Other tasks as assigned.
Church at Large:
• Serve as model for participation in activities of the larger church body and encourage the development of intergenerational programs that include children and their families.
• Represent the children’s program in the church budget process, making recommendations to the appropriate committees regarding budget and equipment needs, curriculum, space, and resource utilization.
Special agreements about PTO:
Eligible for one week of Continuing Education (as per Personnel Policies)
One week of Continuing Education
PTO: Part time
Not all PTO hours can be taken on Sundays. In coordination with the Senior Pastor, a reasonable ratio of Sunday hours to regular week hours must be taken.
Other Duties:
In accordance with the team philosophy of Lake Shore Baptist Church, may routinely be required to carry out and assist with other tasks in addition to the duties listed above.
Supervisory Responsibilities:
Nursery workers and extended care volunteers
This position description is not intended to be all inclusive. Lake Shore Baptist Church reserves the right to revise or change job duties as the need arises. This position description does not constitute a written or implied contract of employment.