We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our generous donors. Your support brings us closer to reaching our $1 million goal for the Here We Grow campaign. Every gift makes a meaningful difference, and we celebrate the incredible impact you’ve made so far. Thank you for being an essential part of this journey!
Michael Abell
Kenneth Alford
Charles Anderson
Allen & Eileen Bartlett
Rev. Thomas & Dianne Bayes
Mary Bettencourt
Stephen Bouchard
Heidi Butler
Linda & David Caughey
Barry Christensen
Rev. Reba Cobb
Janet and Patrick Cole
David Connelly
Clara Copeland
Thomas S. Coursen Jr. & Mary Jane Coursen
Rev. David Cushman
Robert Demaree
Rev. Paula C. Dempsey
Serena Dimazana
Drema Doolittle
Wayne & Ingrid Dvirnak
Paul Dwyer
Dale Edmondson
EverBless Foundation
Fred and Judy M. Fackenthal
Scott Ford
Grace A. Goodman
Scott Green
Deborah Haag
Nancy Hall and Mark Theodoropoulos
Paul J. Hardwick & Linda Rae Hardwick
Rev. Esther Hargis & Martha Olney
Rev. Ruth Harvey
Diane Hill
Garin Hill
John & Andrea Horan
Eleanor Hubbard
Dave Hunt
Horace H. Hunt
Karin Hunt
Rebecca and Nathan Irwin-Diehl
Peter Janssen
Rev. Sandra John
Robin Knauerhase
Frances Langstaff
Dr. Margie Latham
Allen Lind
John Mandt
Marvin & Terry A. Marsh
Rev. Dr. Molly Marshall
Adam McGowen
Revs. Carol McVetty & Douglas Harris
Rev. and Mrs. Wendell Mettey
Rev. Dr. Kenneth & Adrienne Meyers
Stanley Minks
Rev. Dr. Donald Ng
Dr. Joy Pemberton
Lydia Perry
Aubin & Mark Petersen
Rev. LeDayne Polaski & Thomas Polaski
Gerri Ratliff
James and Ellen Robinson
Mary Ann & Jim Robinson
James Segaar
Rev. Esther Soud Parker
Rev. Betsy Sowers
Traci Stephens
Rev. Laurie Sweigard
Rev. Kyle Tubbs
Richard Tucker
Rev. Nancy Willbanks
Rev. Peter C. Wool
Given In Memoriam or Honor
Ronnie Adams
In honor of Stephen Bouchard
Christopher Aho
In honor of Natalie Aho
Roy & Terry Aho
In honor of Natalie Aho
Marcia Bailey
In honor of my mom who taught me God loves us all, no exceptions.
Catherine Ballance
In honor of The Brown Family
Dr. Raimundo Barreto
In honor of Caua dos Santos Barreto
Susan Blythe-Goodman
In memory of Bruce Chittick
Rev. Dr. Margaret Ann Ann Cowden
In memory of Rick Harris
Rev. Liliana & Horacio Da Valle
In honor of Brian Henderson
Paul D. & Cathy Deane
In honor of Martin England
Sharon & Rick Deason
In honor of Natalie Aho
Paul Dromgoole
In honor of Bob Sittig
Given In Memoriam or Honor
Juniper Ernest
In honor of Lauren Ng
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Hanch
In honor of Josh Murphy and Jim Kingery
Rev. Laura Harris-Adam
In honor of the staff and board
Cherry Johnson
In memory of Bruce Chittick
Ken Johnson
In honor of Brian Henderson and Natalie Aho
William Loftis
In honor of Brian Henderson
Rev. Dr. George Mason
In honor of Brian Henderson
Rev. Dr. Timothy Phillips
In celebration of the life of Bruce Chittick
Laura Popa
In honor of all of you!
James Ratliff
In honor of his sister-in-law, Fran Langstaff
Elizabeth Rowley/Christ Congregation
In honor of the ordination of Denise Carrell
Stephen Smith & Carla Granat
In honor of Bob Sittig
Samuel Troxal
A friend at First United Church, Bloomington, IN